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Prefabricated House

160m area

3 Bedroom

5 Bathrooms

Ideal house for beach, countryside and residential.




Projects with solar energy and water reuse.


Check out the low schematic drawing and floor plan of your home.

Steel Frame Construction

casas pre fabricadas diferenciais 13
Various external finish options
-Wooden porcelain tile
-Texture and painting
Turn Key Option
- Floor placement
-Plaster and Lighting

Project Architecture and Construction of your high standard home

What is included in this project:


-Architectural design

-Electrical project

-Hydraulic design

-Structural design

We are a family owned and operated business.


We are a family owned and operated business.

-Foundation (budgeted for flat land)

-Construction of the house


-Thermal tile

-Electric (cabling and conduits)

-Hydraulic piping (hot water and cold water)

-Coating porcelain floors

-Doors and windows

-Exterior finish in texture

- Bathroom and kitchen tableware

-Internal lighting of the house



What is not included

-Earthing (depends a lot on the terrain)


- Soil drilling

-Approval at City Hall (service contracted separately)

-Gate facade and garage

-Pool (we do not)

-Barbecue (we do not)

-Sauna (we don't do)

-Furniture and cabinets (We do not)


-Wall (this depends on the contour of the terrain)

-Freight: this has to be calculated for your city

Your home

Advantages of building in STEEL FRAME steel

This is the main method used in countries like: USA / Canada / Australia / Korea / China / Japan

Greater guarantee and constructive safety

ISO 9001 quality following ABNT NR standards and norms

Greater thermal and acoustic comfort

Less construction time: up to 6x faster. The panels are already ready at the factory. Your property is ready faster guaranteeing better financial return.

Greater constructive precision, millimeter projection.

Less material loss

More qualified labor

More efficient technical team

Lower water consumption during construction.

Sustainable construction

Value of this module  $ 93.000,00 Dollar from

Construction time: 180 working days

Funding Caixa / BNDS / Real Estate Consortium


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Financiamento de terreno junto com a construção de sua casa. 

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Casa florence 

Av. Giovanni Gronchi, 6195 - Conj. 1104 e 1105
Vila Andrade, São Paulo - SP.
CEP: 05724-003

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